Wednesday, November 30, 2005
includes a few fun surprises. for instance, every magician ever is jewish. also, connie chung converted!
silly video of barney the dinosaur singing tupac

these kids love to get down
my guess is that any barney jokes were out of style already over ten years ago, and tupac sadly just had his 9 year anniversary of being killed. but don't dismiss this video just yet, watch the crafty work that has barney and some real sweet kids . if you don't laugh, you'll smirk at the least.
(thanks, af.)
a fifth beatle

everyone loves the beatles. click if you don't.
but certain music from beatific souls like , some , early and seem to be inspired beyond just being an homage of the greatest band ever. the blog does a bang up job of paying tribute to my favorite beatle apostle ever elliott smith. includes great links to articles and a handful of beatles covers by the late, great singer/songwriter.
rock and roll for assholes!

get it? the "right" brothers!!! as in right wing!
do you hate your ears and eyes? then be sure to check out , the new song and video by the the right brothers. what's surprising: despite being staunch republicans, the right brothers apparently have little regard for copyright law (there's some heavy-duty "we didn't start the fire"-biting going on here). what's not at all surprising: some big fat white guy with a modicum of musical talent loves george bush.
What makes The Right Brothers different?
While artists such as Toby Keith, Darrel Worley and Charlie Daniels have recorded great patriotic songs no artist has ever tackled the issues addressed by The Right Brothers. Topics on their albums include: the abortion debate, illegal immigration, taxation, Ronald Reagan, the melting-pot (or lack thereof), America’s right to defend herself regardless of what the rest of the world thinks, appreciation for our brave soldiers (past and present), political apathy, and more. The Right Brothers are in tune with today’s political issues and that is reflected in every word they write.
("thanks," pleasure.)
white stripes - denial twist video (and two other good vids)

last month we wrote about the village voice writer who acted in the upcoming gondry-directed white stripes video. well guess what? it's out now and it's on google video. sadly, i have to say this is my least favorite of the gondry/white stripes videos. maybe if the video quality was a bit clearer, but from what i see the perspective distortion ended up looking like not much more than a circus funhouse mirror...
after you're done watching that, check out the new vid by my third-favorite mexican rock band, plastilina mosh-- .
and when THAT'S done, watch the video for by stephen malkmus. sounds soooo much like pavement!
(thanks, sizod.)
rap geeks: get excited!
aceyalone's upcoming is entirely produced by rjd2. i tend to prefer hip-hop albums with only one producer, so i'm really interested to hear what this sounds like.
Having worked together on Aceyalone's last album, "Love and Hate" the chemistry was undeniable and a full album together was only a matter of time. "To me, Acey and his crew were like the west coast Organized Konfusion in the mid 90's," notes RJ. "I always had a ton of respect for him, and of course, those are the kind of people you want to work with."
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Hipster Super Heroes- Here to save us from what exactly?

With so many fantastically stupid hairstyles floating around MySpace, I've found myself adding the best of the worst to my favorites list over the past few months, compiling a sort of "Hall Of Shame" which I knew, one day, needed to be presented to the masses.
And if you haven't gotten your fill of completely retarded haircuts, you can always revisit .
wolverine AND magneto spin off movies

one year ago, fox announced an x-men spin off for both and .
year old news is hardly news except that i'm pretty sure they never told anyone, because no one was a bigger wolverine fan growing up than me. anyway, hugh jackman will reprise his role, but ian mcklellan won't--the magneto flick is a prequel. x-men 3 debuts in may.
and, just to keep themselves at a below-average level, marvel studios is releasing (starring nick cage and eva mendes) in july. it's guaranteed to suck worse than the hulk and fantastic four, but maybe not as bad as . and don't skip this chance to check out nick's sweet hairdo wig from the film!
vote for jonathan (the guy in the middle)

my pal and one of sneakmove's favorite comics in the world is up for a big part in the new dodge commercial.
he's hilarious, despite the fact that he smoked grass for years until his brother turned him on to marijuana. he had smoked acres.
for jonathan gotsick, moorehead, kentucky's favorite son, to get his own HEMI. he won't let you down.
forward-thinking questions about the video over the net

the video iPod, like almost all things apple, stepped up comsumer awareness of big breakthroughs in a new technology, big time. are already reaching out into new mediums that we all could have predicted would become relevant sooner or later. here are some decent questions to get you thinking about how the video on demand revolution may affect you.
1. how much longer until you can sign up for a vodcast of the top 5 movie trailers for the week? music videos? bus rides and plane rides are about to become a lot better.
2. when will video iChat, which is basically jetson-styled video phone, or like products hit the tipping point?
3. how can you make money as a content provider for video on demand?
4. how much longer before your "iPod" (portable digital player) is plugged into your "Tivo" (time-shifting delivery system) and you grab it, completely loaded automatically with fresh content, as you head out the door each morning?
5. how much crazier can get? see #2.
Monday, November 28, 2005
true playas

has taken a major equity position and content control of . wcsn has shown over 150 hours of live footage exclusively on the net. mlb plans to add to that with more deals with sports that operate during baseball's off-season.
will the future of sports bypass the tv networks?
if you love high energy music and you have quicktime 7...

this gentleman has kindly put together a featuring high-energy and house music videos. quicktime 7 makes this run real smooth and pretty--its got a fantastic codec. its like taking a trip to europe right from your office desk!
taste of jenny

the traveling wilbury's cover leaked off first solo album from the lead gal of rilo kiley. ole' bright eyes conor oberst and ben gibbard of death cab/ postal service guest.
if this former-child star had any more indie cred, she'd get free
(thanks, ade.)
[] -- online verbal throwdowns for everyone
for all aspiring mc's and beatboxers: in an online arena against rappers from around the globe. how it works, as far as i can tell--you pick some sissy from the list, challenge them to a duel, and then upload a short mp3 diss clip (20second to one minute). the other users on the site judge who's skills are tighter and a winner is declared. looks like it might be a german site so you better bust out your 501 spanish verbs before you get started.
nine-minute narnia trailer online
one of the best books is coming to theaters soon. starz! showed a nine-minute preview, which is . sorry to those who can't see embedded wmv's - i wasn't able to figure out how to extract the file from the source. if you can, post the url in the comments please.
superfun new andrew thompson video

lewis recordings' latest signing, rocks. he does a sort of updated new wave/electro thing that isn't annoyingly ironic. nice going, andrew. check out his new video,
Sunday, November 27, 2005
never ever drive behind a 747

this british tv show demonstrates . mindblowingly powerful. in case you can't see embedded wmv's on your computer.
america's next top model but with canadians, eh?
Sakes alive, Canada's getting its own version of !
Great soundbyte, Tyra. Speaking of great soundbytes, has posted some sweet bre mp3s, including my new outgoing voicemail message: "I knew it was Nicole. There's nobody else in the house. There's no ghosts. There's nothin'."
"I am excited to see the Next Top Model franchise continue to grow with the launch of Canada's Next Top Model," (Tyra) Banks said in a statement.
Great soundbyte, Tyra. Speaking of great soundbytes, has posted some sweet bre mp3s, including my new outgoing voicemail message: "I knew it was Nicole. There's nobody else in the house. There's no ghosts. There's nothin'."
superman returns - video trailer

check out the trailer for , coming out next summer. can't say i'm thrilled about this guy--he looks like brendan fraiser. i've also always thought the superman story was a bit puritanical. hope they prove me wrong.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
mr. shoe at london's dpmhi gallery - opens tonight

attention shoe art fanatics: get your buns over to london to check out michael lau's , fresh off highly successful shows in hong kong and tokyo.
The exhibition centres around Michael’s latest creation, a 6 inch vinyl figure based on the classic Air Force One sneaker. For this exhibition Michael has individually hand painted over 100 of these figures, each one based on Michael’s favourite pop culture and design references ranging from Hermes to Clockwork Orange, maharishi to Rolex, Comme des Garcons to the works of Damien Hirst and much more.
The exhibition will feature all of Michael’s Mr Shoe pieces alongside one-off customised cross over pieces by a range of leading designers and creatives from all over the world.
Friday, November 25, 2005
gorillaz dirty harry shockwave game

the single and video "dirty harry" from the latest gorillaz cd are both pretty smokin. , where you drive the gorillaz' truck through the desert to save the children while the song plays, is maybe the coolest adaptation of a song and video into a unique interactive experience. hard to stop playing--that thing gets squirrely!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
little kids with huge machine guns = midwest insanity

in the late 90's i passed through oklahoma city with my british future-brother-in-law. as we both grew up in areas where guns are frowned at, we decided to go to a shooting range and knock it after we tried it. started small, and spent 90 minutes working our way up to one frightening giant desert eagle handgun. oklahoma, ya know?
well maybe we should've driven a few exits further because bomarr just sent us the link to of little midwest kids blowing up a shooting range of cars and busses with giant machine guns. who knew they made shooting galleries like that???
engineering students create robots; robots create art

any of you lucky ducks in cocoa beach, florida this upcoming month should make your way over to the c.b. public library, where will be on display. the high school juniors and seniors are part of a large organization that teaches kids to create robots for a variety of challenges.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
o'donel levy

i recently grabbed the breeding of mind lp by . levy is a jazz guitarist and composer who began working in the 60s. as was the standard at the time, there are several covers of contemporary pop songs mixed in with original songs. straightforward stuff. makes you want to dance a little. i particularly liked his version of . no date on the record. late sixties. groove merchant records.
classic commodore 64 game songs, remixed
earlier this week there were some nes 8-bit versions of classic pop songs (inxs, etc) making the rounds. this page has something similar but different: . i used to play ultima 4 every day when i was in 6th grade, and after listening to this version i think i still prefer the original. it's fun though.
world's largest drum set?

about the fellow from troy michigan and his 105 piece drum set. the thing has seven bass drums!
Monday, November 21, 2005
snl parodies the ipod
they spoof the steve jobs style announcement (complete with silly spotlight) as he unveils the latest in ipod technologies. (sufficient to enjoy the humor).
fender telecaster: intel inside

a confusingly purposeless new guitar from fender and intel: . i guess those musicians just can't be without turbotax for even one moment anymore.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
musician's interesting dilemma: blame itunes?
this guy pressed his own cd a few years back and put it up on cdnow. time went on, companies were bought and sold, and then he . lots of commentary and debate on what his next move should be.
wiki lyrics page
god bless wikis for giving people a way to really have a good fight over something they believe in. don't like the "only shallow" lyrics you found online? with you can log in and change them for the whole world. another nice thing: no ads on this site unlike or whatever it's called.
how to: wire your house for any network
a bit mindnumbing, but for those intrepid homeowners out there with time and money to spare, .
Saturday, November 19, 2005
there goes the neighborhood

another vegan lesbian tattoo artist with fresh tortillas
last night i was at medjool in sf's mission district, hiding between handsomely dressed guys and girls wearing suits and dresses, and i made a wish:
"please, magic jesus, lets keep the mission district a secret just a little longer, free from the scummy rich folk who don't get vegan lesbian tattoo-tortilla parlors, who hate bicycles, who think the local guy walking past the parking garage is obviously an attendant."
i looked up at the patrons and felt a shiver--this was a wish that baby j wouldn't be granting me: .
(thanks, satt.)
is the answer blowing in the blogs?
information leaf blower is back with their list. it's just a list and designed to activate your opinions and kind of piss you off. so let's forget that a reformed pixies didn't make the list and check out the methodology.
I emailed over 40 "music/MP3 bloggers" (since we are our own genre now) and asked them to send me a list, ranked 1-10, of the 10 best American bands that they've seen or heard in the last year. The purpose of this list is to reward bands for generating buzz in the year 2005. This isn't a ranking of career longevity. I wanted to know who people are using their bandwidth to talk about. Once I got the lists, I gave each slot a corresponding numerical number (similar to the way MLB tallies their MVP voting), and the list was born. In case of a tie, the higher slot was awarded to the artist with more votes (i.e. someone with 15 points from one vote was ranked lower than someone with three votes of 5).
Friday, November 18, 2005
why we need torture

We all KNOW this is what's really going on, but only has the fuckin' nuts to document it.
(thanks, weisy)
wagon christ music vid - robots and victorian-types

ninjatune records has a great website. their band online, a very nice song and a rad animated video featuring robots, robot artifacts, and people dressed in victorian costumes. a great way to relax and enjoy a few minutes of good art.
30 amazing facts about chuck norris

we all know chuck norris is a badass, but there are quite a few things i didn't know about him. here's of little-known norris information.
(thanks, lw.)
ground lift magazine

my new favorite website is . they feature reviews of great old jazz and soul records. also, articles about various urban music styles, discussion of classic hip-hop singles, and lots of mix tapes. they even have sound clips! it's kind of like if had all their content online and was a little less formal.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
languis upcoming release and tour info

languis, one of the bands featured on the soon-to-be-released sneakmove mini-comp, sent a note about a few upcoming releases and tourdates, including a december 3 show in tijuana that i'd die to be at. check out their for some really tasty song clips and tour info (costa mesa, hollywood, san diego, tijuana). their email newsletter says this about their new record:
We are now working in the studio on new songs for an upcomingthey're definitely worth a listen (impressively good) and we're thrilled to have some of their music to share. for more band info and to get on their non-offensive mailing list.
album. Our next release, Other Desert Cities is being pressed at the
moment and will be released by Pehr (; the release
will consist of five new songs, more news to come about this EP…
google local for mobile phones has secret european maps

with all the google products sprouting like crabgrass, it's possible that you've never even heard of - a new service that lets you access google maps and local information on your java-powered mobile phone. they state that it's only for the usa right now, but intrepid google-geeks have uncovered a cache of secret that even allow for driving directions. as these maps aren't yet on the online version of google maps, this is a good sign that things are coming soon. in the meantime, enjoy those crazy satellite photos.
live in southern california and love john tesh?
so-cal john tesh fans will be thrilled to read : "95.9 KFSH-FM The Fish(R) Becomes the Exclusive Southern California Home of 'The John Tesh Radio Show'". there should be a whole website dedicated to ridiculous press releases sent out by hollywood pr firms. another one from the same source: the highest rated show in sci-fi channel history -- and no it's not scare tactics!
ramis interview with ghostbusters 3 tidbits

aint it cool news posts an . the conversation hits on quite a few different topics, including a discussion on what happened to the slated ghostbusters 3 movie.
I thought we would introduce three new Ghostbusters, but maybe we'd be around as Senior Ghostbusters, running the company or something, but the real adventure would be... And this was so long ago, we were thinking Chris Rock, Chris Farley and Ben Stiller taking over. That would have worked
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
the dejohnette complex

is one of the great jazz drummers. his early career was highlighted by playing in miles davis' legendary bitches brew sessions. a year or so later, he put together a loose group called the dejohnette complex and made an LP for . stanley cowell, miroslav vitous, bennie maupin, eddie gomez, and roy haynes all play on it. there are "free jazz" moments and loud, funky moments, but my favorite track is the cowell composition . there's this magic somber that just freezes me and makes me listen. 1968. milestone records.
Trading Music On The Net - 1998 NPR Story
While doing some preliminary research for my upcoming Fan Fiction novella, Glenn Danzig : Timefucker, I ran into this NPR story called from 1998.
Pretty interesting to hear Pre-Original-Napster perceptions of the future of digital media trading, and to remember there was a time when the term "mp3" still had to be defined for the benefit of most listeners.
Just real audio, unfortunately, but click up there or .
Pretty interesting to hear Pre-Original-Napster perceptions of the future of digital media trading, and to remember there was a time when the term "mp3" still had to be defined for the benefit of most listeners.
Just real audio, unfortunately, but click up there or .
gawker blog media to be distributed on yahoo
gawker and yahoo have agreed to a deal where . the included gawker sites are gawker itself, wonkette, defamer, and gizmodo. they also left open the possibility of adding more at a later date. no price is disclosed in the story.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
how to build your own wifi dish antenna
the authors of claim their salvaged direct-tv soldered setup detected wifi signals from 8 miles away. not sure how many people live that far from the nearest access point these days, but it could be useful for a remote connection for someone driving a few miles into the desert to do some research. research like, how long does it take to crash and burn a car you just bought at the junk yard for $25.
honeywell's flying robot drones

more proof that the scary future has arrived: are reported to be ready to start monitoring major cities. no more peeing in the alleyway for me!
sony drm infection map

the bastards at sony have been in big trouble lately. "copy protection software" secretly installs itself when users put certain sony music CDs in their computers. the software is a drm ("digital rights management" system) that uses a rootkit to gain install permissions on computers. this has a scary map of how far the drm has spread.
the steven spielberg jewish film archive
next time you are in jerusalem doing research on the history of israel, you might want to swing by the with its 10,000 documentaries and other films on the development of the region.
from your home you can also access .
from your home you can also access .
Monday, November 14, 2005
vitusphere: full body virtual reality immersion

the "ultimate" ultimate gamer's toy, and maybe not a bad idea for training troops, firefighters, etc--.
three things i thought of:
- it looks like something i'd fall down in easily, especially with a heavy pack on my back
- it seems like a good way for some nerdy kid to avoid all normal social interaction by creating a virtual world where he can really become half squirrel, half owl-man
- and, when i think of full immersion, i expect this thing to somehow pinch me on the behind-otherwise its useless!
quick cheap and simple ways to clean your laptop lcd
i'm always confused about how to clean my laptop screen--i could buy a bunch of wastefully prepackaged solutions for it but i figured there's a simple diy method. and here it is: , coming to my rescue. fast and easy and even has some good warnings to be aware of:
Do not drink Isopropyl Alcohol. It is NOT grain alcohol. It is toxic.
list of the different global music charts
. check out what the people in estonia, italy, guam, georgia and tons of other places are listening to. shows you how big the planet is, but it seems like a lot of the links are dead.
megadeth on the duck dodgers cartoon

it doesn't have the same type of cred that danzig or zakk wylde on aqua teen has, but for the loony toons/dave mustaine fans: . if you can't stream wmv files (approx. 40% of you) . when daffy starts talking about how no one rocked harder than dave mustaine, it really feels creepy.
packing the pipe: j-swift, crack rock, and reality TV
watch the painful for "1 more hit," a new documentary about the fall (and subsequent exploitation) of the pharcyde's genius producer-turned-vagrant.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
eight basic steps of image editing?
take your own photos? on how to edit your photos and make them top notch.
very nice custom google map with nyc subways

using the google maps setup (one of the greatest things in the world), but they tweaked the colors and added all the subway lines (including the nj rail, it appears). .
korea always gets the good stuff first

, ipod style online. supposedly: 20gb, 6hr vid playback and a host of features. no idea of the price. hopefully its real and that it'll come out in the usa too.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
stern stops the skunk

for a little while, was the greatest website ever.
torrent streams of everything howard stern evolved from entertaining to historic when howard 100 took to the air earlier this month on radio. so, not only could you find a digital version of every stern's last infinity broadcasts, you could also check out the daily howard 100 news along day-long events like wendy the retard locked in a room and the high-pitch eric shit-weighing contest.
the howard 100 news displays the innovative irony that takes stern beyong vulgar into the the sublime. complete with am radio news chimes and stuffy-voiced white people, the news team covers the stern world of wack with the displaced interest usually reserved for updates on wars that barely exist, traffic reports and relationships between female teachers and students.
now stern's lawyers have shut down the skunk. it's too bad, but would subscribe to sirius if he believed in it. maybe so should i.
question: these torrents still are out there if you can find them. the media policy seems to be shut down the things that make it easy to pirate. is this smart? how much would you pay for an mp3 of a stern show?
(thanks, pleasure.)
Friday, November 11, 2005
prince tribute fan video
with things like the ipod with video, macs with built in isights, google video and all the other stuff that's exploding right now, i bet we start seeing a lot more of these sort of videos. . whoa buddy!
(thanks, steph, jay.)
(thanks, steph, jay.)

Thursday, November 10, 2005
what do you get when you combine star wars, nerdy mathematicians and singing?

this mathematics grad student lives his ultimate fantasy
apparently some geeks at m.i.t. had a bit of remorse about not attending a school that lets its students develop a well-rounded academic AND social life, so they decided to emulate an art project you'd see at a regular university. sadly, being total nerds, they have a skewed and limited vision of art and pop culture. the result? . its got tapdancing storm troopers, dancing ewoks, a score that incorporates classics from elton john, andrew lloyd webber and a rapping lando calrissian.
risk, classic boardgame, now on google maps

zoom up on europe
a group called zenchi has playable through a normal web browser. you'll have to play with your friends huddled around but don't worry--those of you in norway will soon be able to play an online version against your friends in colombia. it does seem to move a bit slow on this connection.
the 50 greatest indie films posts their with a few surprise inclusions. i haven't analyzed the full list but i can say that this could be the centerpoint for a few heated discussions. not surprisingly, many of the indie directors have gone on to become major figures in the business.
sony online revamps star wars galaxies mmorpg--in the middle of gameplay

for all the sneakmove readers who are fanatics of the star wars mmorpg, be careful-- . looks like the biggest change will be the system for attacking (autoattack will be disabled). and if you felt like you knew some real geeks, just read through the obnoxiously long commentary below the article. nerd alert!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
brian eno is selling his studio
, supposedly as he moves into a more digital format. the prices are high but the equiptment is legendary, including the keyboard he recorded the microsoft "windows sound" with.
make your own custom figurine

a dream for anyone who's ever wanted their own action figure: engadget posts a piece about a , utilizing a 3D camera and a 3D printer (i think that works like a robotic sculpting machine). seems like this might be a few years out, but once it's here i'll be first in line.
barcode digital art and project gallery

offers some very interesting art pieces and projects using the barcode stamp of consumerism. interesting pages: a , a quick easy way to make a , and a , including sweet ol' j.c. from the bible.
(thanks, sizod.)
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
gorillaz feel good inc. "live" performance

not sure if this is supposed to be the "hologram" show they've been talking about (i don't think so), but on the mtv europe music awards, the gorillaz . the song sounds a bit slow and uninspiring in the live setting, but the graphics kept me watching.
attention all nyc video producers: engadget is hiring
engadget, one of the top gadget sites on the web, is to take charge of their move into the blazing hot world of video podcasting. this is seriously the hottest thing to get into right now. unfortunately you have to be based in nyc.
the spy hunter video game movie

look out for those spies!
upcoming movie slated (i think) for nov 2006. starring the rock, and sorta surprisingly directed by john woo. and read a brief synopsis of the plot (in short, the rock drives a fancy interceptor car, hunting assassins and other bad spies). looks like it's designed to sell video games.
Monday, November 07, 2005
go-go's: remixed song and video

who's that other gal singing along???
nordstrom had fatboy slim and oliver gondry remix , giving both the song and the classic video a 2005 feel. lots of fun.
ipod bitTorrent tracker
tracks torrents for ipod-compatible files. quick thinking on their part. looks like there's lots of stuff to choose from. tv shows, music videos, etc.
ea launches music label

classic 80's electronic arts logo, "remixed" by hackers
just like listening to maroon 5 on your the radio in your car, electronic arts has realized that if you listen to something enough times over, the music will infect your brain. now they're taking advantage of this to sell mp3s, ringtones and more of their wide range of video game soundtracks.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
plastic people of the universe

prague's emerged shortly after the soviets invaded czechoslovakia in 1968. the satellite czech government deemed the music subversive and the plastics had to go underground. it's a story of survival and tremendous commitment. they even had a defense fund at amnesty international back in the day. the lp I have, egon bondy's lonely heart's club banned, sounds a bit like a slowed-down, gothic version of frank zappa. weird and great. check out . 1978. invisible records.
five things you didn't know...
maybe i've misinterpreted, but there are a few surprisingly interesting lists on their site:
- five things you didn't know about (to be directed by spielberg? what?)
- five things you didn't know about (four of the top 10 billboard albums in june 2005 were reggaeton)
- five things you didn't know about (actually, not a lot of new info, but check out this pic of thomas haydon church as sandman)
- five things you didn't know about (to be directed by spielberg? what?)
- five things you didn't know about (four of the top 10 billboard albums in june 2005 were reggaeton)
- five things you didn't know about (actually, not a lot of new info, but check out this pic of thomas haydon church as sandman)

Saturday, November 05, 2005
100 songs on one cd mix
put together a 100 song collection of short (but quality) tracks that will fit on one CD. Packaged in nice 10 song zipped bundles for easy downloading - get it while you can.
on the same guy's site-some fascinating scans like:
prehistoric monsters trading cards,
on the same guy's site-some fascinating scans like:
prehistoric monsters trading cards,
Friday, November 04, 2005
korn's twisted transistor video feat. snoop, lil jon, xzibit and david banner

, with the guys in korn all played by big name rappers. sometimes i'm surprised by how much cred johnathan davis has--like how he provides commentary own a crip walking video a pal of mine owns. this is a fun video, but definitely geared towards korn's dedicated fans.
röyksopp video - what else is there

saw this video on a few weeks ago. liked it a lot. heard the song on kcrw last night and remembered that its a nice song with a nice video. but the wmv format? not nice. oh well, check it out anyway. different vibe than the melody a.m. stuff - much more mature sound.
laser printing patriotism supports freedom
sneakmove superbuddy sent over a scan of a cringe-causing toner package. "american spirit compatible laser toner cartridge" - supporting those service members who protect our freedom through package design. this is real!
what about the profits? they're supporting the a.s. pocketbooks. ok, that part is 100% assumption.
and don't forget that another sneakmove pal as well. a beautiful piece, señor halfway.
what about the profits? they're supporting the a.s. pocketbooks. ok, that part is 100% assumption.
and don't forget that another sneakmove pal as well. a beautiful piece, señor halfway.
charles lamont

is a jam off the only LP ever recorded by charles lamont. kinda reminds me of van morrison in places. maybe a bit of captain beefhart too, but more R&Bish. the LP is titled a legend in his own mind. when I grabbed this record in santa barbara, the record store clerk said, "oh that guy gave up music and only made one record." the lack of info on the internet seems to support that statement. no date, but probably between 1968 and 1970. UNI records.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
diplo to retire

the boston phoenix writes that and will just do producing from now on. this has got to be sorta well-known in bloggy music circles, but new to me. if he's playing anywhere near you soon, check him out. it's a real good time.
mp3 of michael jordan struggling to speak
of jordan trying to say things correctly for his gatorade commercial voiceover. from , who apparently love to rip on (wizards-era) jordan.
"Gatorade. IS it IN you?"
jared from subway would have a fit!
made a 30,000 calorie sandwich … and then ate it! absolutely fucking disgusting and hilarious. canola oil accounted for more than 18,000 of the calories. check out the pics!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
how stuff works: star wars' death star

fun but totally geeky: from
So basically the Death Star is made of four major components: the battle station, the Superlaser, the propulsion system and the hypermatter reactor that powers it all. Let's look at all of these components.
daddy, dude
has a k-fed mp3; oh yes it is fun. and he knows you're snickering:
my prediction is that y'all gonna hate/on the style we create/straight 2008
check out why?'s new video. why? because it's rad.

flying why? featuring mc friendly doggz
bomarr clued us in that there's a new up on the anticon site. it's directed by ravi zupa and is for the song "rubber traits." n-joy!
"analog hole" - mpaa set on destroying digital video

this past week, while the teenagers were throwing eggs, the twenty-somethings were drinking at parties, and the thirty and forty year olds were taking their kids out and passing out candy, the mpaa proposed a new set of restrictions aimed at creating .
this is bad, very bad--it will immediately alleviate us from all the incredible video advancements and developments of the last decade or so, many of which are moving along in a direction that can be perfectly agreeable to the video creation and distribution industries, while protecting the dinosaur model that hollywood demands we all continue to abide by.
This three-part agenda -- controlling digital media devices, controlling analog converters, controlling the Internet -- is a frightening peek at Hollywood's vision of the future.[]
commonmedia announces drm-free music and video stores
, a "community-based media distribution services and solutions," is opening a . unlike major online music sellers, commonmedia lets artists sell their works without being encoded with accessibility-impeding digital rights management blockades - and their system operates using bit torrent.
sounds like a good spot for aspiring musicians and videographers to post their works. no indication if they're involved with creative commons, though they should be.
sounds like a good spot for aspiring musicians and videographers to post their works. no indication if they're involved with creative commons, though they should be.
celebrate cassettes!

from japan has a fun classic cassette image collection. really brings back memories of taping songs from the radio over my stepdad's old cassettes. makes me wanna cash in some maxell points so hard!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
lindsay lohan is trying to tell us something

"the world watches all my problems"
maybe she hasn't always had it so easy. you'll find that message hidden in her video . lets go easy on her, everyone. she directed her own video.
best halloween pic on p.i.t.n.b.
is a good site for letting your brain unwind, not unlike reading a people magazine with a bitchy attitude. i've picked my fave halloween photo posted on their page, for its sheer mockery. nice work guys - i couldn't agree more.

breaking down the secret of nerdish unpopularity

from someone who endured high school geek-dom but also managed to crack into a more "popular" crowd. lots of theories, advice and explanations included.
The popular kids learned to be popular, and to want to be popular, the same way the nerds learned to be smart, and to want to be smart: from their's another tip: rinse your salami-smelling armpits with soap once in a while.