if you're around los angeles tonight, come check out at in silverlake (1903 hyperion ave).
cc salon is a semi-regular event that brings together people who are interested in culture, technology, and intellectual property issues to give brief presentations about their work, hang out, and meet new people. cc salons are casual and totally free.
there are four great presenters booked for tonight's salon:
* multimedia designers chris weisbart and michael wilson will demo a holographic projection system they've built into an interactive museum exhibit.
* rex bruce (los angeles center for digital art) will screen a video he directed using public domain imagery from the us military.
* holly willis (usc's institute for multimedia literacy) will give an overview of art in second life.
* jack lerner (usc's intellectual property and technology law clinic) will talk about his research into music sampling and music market defects.
more info at this event's page.