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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Meanest Man Contest / Languis – Split (CD)

This full length CD features six new songs by and four new songs by .

The MMC side of Split is comprised of killer sample-based beats and rappy-singy vocals that will make you go “aww damn.” It features tracks “I Was Only Kidding,” “Sorta Sad When You See Them,” “One More Song,” “Frequently Asked Questions, Part Two,” “There’s Nothing There,” and “They Do” (featuring Kaia from ).

Languis’ contributions include two low-key and beautiful instrumental electronic tracks and two psychy rock tracks that call to mind some of the best pop bands of the ’60s. Songs include “Cable,” “Maxie Flowers,” “Gulp,” and “Lullaby.”

Frankie Koeller and Mike Senese did the art. Allister Fein did the design. Newageynofriends mastered it.

Listen to some samples.

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$6.00 US

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(click image to listen to a sample)